Evan James, our beautiful son, is a gift from God. To look at him and see a part of me is a strange, but incredible thing. He has my eyes and Faith's cute cheeks, but he has an addictive joy that comes only from the Lord.
I hope for my son.
I hope that one day soon he will have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, that he will see Christ in us and in our friends, that his beautiful smile and addictive joy will infect others around him and point them to Jesus, that he will befriend those who have no friends, that he will see the inside of a person and not merely the outside...
I hope for my son.
Evan is 17 months old today! It has been so much fun being Dad, seeing God bless my wife with patience and love for our son and watching him grow up. Here are pictures from the last 17 months. Enjoy!
Evan was so relaxed in this shot... and so stressed out in this one
Evan's Birth Announcement
Halloween 2006
Evan is famous!
My favorite picture of my two favorite people:
I LOVE this pic:
Thanksgiving 2006:Thanksgiving 2007:
2006 Christmas Pic's by Lindsey Brittain:
Evan's first time to eat "solid" food:
Evan in an ornament:
Evan fell asleep in his jumper:
Faith snapped this shot:
Evan & Dadda:
Evan's 1st Time in A Pool:
Evan's first time to look into a mirror:
Evan's 1st Birthday (July 24, 2007)
He doesn't cry often but when he does, I'm usually holding my camera:
Bleecker Christmas Pic's 2007 (taken by Lindsey Brittain)
He was not havin' it
Evan James... such a stud
Some of the latest pic's I've taken of Evan:
Evan and Lily reading together:
The Bleeckers
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