Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thank you WD-40

I walked into Evan's room this morning and saw two walls covered in purple crayon. I googled "how to get crayon off of walls" and found WD-40 to be the most popular, so I tried it...and it worked!

I did discover that WD-40 and towels don't mix well:


  1. Way to go Mr.Mom! What a nice thing to do while Faith was away. HA!

  2. ooohh, I'll have to try that. Preston also colors all over our house! fun fun. I use the Mr. Clean magic eraser and it works well too!

  3. Yowsers!! Magic Erasers work WONDERS too...They get MOST everything off of ANYTHING!! I use them at Preschool ALL the time to get CRAYON OFF OF EVERYTHING!!

  4. Weren't you the lucky one? He colored on the playroom closet door I know how to get it off, thanks for the tip...(glad you got it cleaned up before Faith got home LOL)

  5. Good to know... i just discovered some crayon on my son's wall! Ah these budding Artists!!

  6. HAHAHA that is amazing. I'm impressed! So good to know BEFORE we run into that! haha
